Sunday, April 20, 2014

Day 11. Father, forgive me for my eleventh serving of Easter ham

Lesson #11: It's okay to indulge once in a while in anything BUT alcohol!

Holy crap, like the mornings after I drank, I'll never do that again! But it really helped me with my craves, before the fact that I realized I was thirsty and NOT hungry. However I'm not beating myself up. I actually made the mistake of eating a plate of just fruit, my pasta-tomato pesto salad, and grandmas Spanish chile for Easter brunch. Then it was two more bowls at home and a roll with avocado and sea salt. puff out cheeks and stomach here. But I didn't binge drink! I also didn't have any sweets. Go me. It was also fun while it lasted, and I knew I wouldn't binge eat again, at least until the next holiday.

This week to make yourself look more gorgeous than you already are because your skin has re-plumped from not drinking and maybe not smoking as I also quit, google some fruity Spring smoothies to make in the morning after feeling soberly refreshed! That's your extra reward. Look up all kinds of anti-oxidant foods that plump up and clean out your skin like Greek yogurt, avocado, nuts, papaya, pineapple, lemon, blueberries, strawberries, and much more. For great ideas go to my smoothie blog:

Keep on keep on keepin' on, gorgeous.

I'm SO proud of you!!

Love, peace, and healthy fats like avocado,


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