Monday, March 24, 2014

Let's reward!! Day......3!

It's time to substitute! Forgive me, I've been DJing and painting as well as working out like crazy these last few days. I won't abandon you again. :)

I want you ONLY to give up alcohol right now and not worry about anything else. This is that important not to feel like you have to go gung-ho on working out, only having a smoothie for breakfast, stashing your booze money, or giving up coffee entirely and going vegan *raising hand*. If you want to do those things, and believe me working out is a miracle for substituting the dopamine high of alcohol, then please do it!! Just take care of you and hey you made it more than three days, give yourself a reward! In another lesson I'll also tell you how I saved $400 a month in wine and cig money to stock up on Jimmy Choos and vacations. Right now do or get yourself something fun when you crave. I, admittedly, had a mocha frappuccino with whip at Starbucks every night for seven days and that totally did the trick. On another quit, I went to a late-night hip coffee shop for about four months about 2-3 times a week, had an iced coffee and, get this, ordered a gargantuan slice of raspberry mousse cake and only ate the frosting and the berries. However if you feel inclined to eat the whole thing go for it, just don't drink!

When I quit I completely resorted to my childhood. With the cake frosting, I also enjoyed swinging in the park, rollerblading, buying a shitload of Hello Kitty stuff, or even going to a bar when I was ready to and dancing in the sun on the patio with a Shirley Temple. I started putting bows in my hair, I started wearing makeup more, I ditched the hoodies and bought some sexy tops and vowed to wear skirts for a solid week. Yes I'm coo-coo bananas but I was smart, I didn't drink or smoke. It really boosted my self-esteem! I do admit that I have switched from wining to excessive online shopping, but I vow to stop by Easter. More to come on that. Just do anything to make yourself feel and look your best!! Make sure you can pay your bills too. Anything doesn't mean making yourself homeless LOL.

So try it. Write it down first. What can you do to make yourself happy instead of drink? Then act on it. News Flash: I gained five pounds in three weeks, then after eight weeks, my metabolism revved up from a lack of booze slowing it down and the pounds went drop, drop, drop even with the frosting and sometimes two small dinners a night. I ended up losing 30 pounds in six months and I kept it off!

Thirty seemed to be the magic number with a few of my guy friends too who quit drinking beer. They didn't change anything else. They both lost exactly 30 pounds. Huh!

You don't have to buy your way out of alcoholism either even though you are saving a crap-ton of money. Call your mom or a friend, go to the park and watch the kids play, go to a bounce house! My third date with my new husband was he taking me to one, and I'm 42. It was amazing!!! Yes you can have fun without drinking. TRUST ME.

Love, peace, and frosting,

The savvy sober girl

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